Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science, 2023, 6(2); doi: 10.25236/AJETS.2023.060202.
Yuanping Dong, Zhe Xu, Xuemei Wang, Yuxizi Zheng, Mengting Hou
Xi'an Research Inst. of Hi-Tech, Xi’an, China
The integrated guidance and control design of missile considering the attack angle constraint can effectively improve the guidance accuracy and damage effect of the missile, which has become one of the hot spots in current research. In this paper, we review the problem of integrated guidance and control design of missile considering attack angle constraint. First, the steps to construct the ensemble model are described. Second, combining with the fact that modern control theory has been successfully applied to the design of missile weapon systems, the integrated design approach for missile guidance and control in recent years is summarized and summarized in this paper. Finally, the analysis and discussion of the problems and trends that need to be addressed in the integrated design of missile guidance and control can break through the constraints of traditional missile design concepts and methods and serve as a reference for the development of a new generation of missiles.
attack angle constraint; missile; dynamic model; integrated guidance and control
Yuanping Dong, Zhe Xu, Xuemei Wang, Yuxizi Zheng, Mengting Hou. Research on the Integrated Design of Missile Guidance Control Considering the Angle of Attack Constraint. Academic Journal of Engineering and Technology Science (2023) Vol. 6, Issue 2: 7-16.
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