International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine, 2023, 5(4); doi: 10.25236/IJFM.2023.050410.
Tiantian Lei, Li Liu, Cui Li, Zhuo Chen
Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang, Shaanxi, 712046, China
The lesion site of ulcerative colitis is often summarized as the whole colon, clinically, observe patients with ulcerative colitis. It was found that the pain and colonoscopy lesions of the patients were different, But now the clinical treatment on the few parts of the treatment. Inspired by western medicine dividing colon cancer into left and right half colon cancer, thus thinking about whether the onset site of ulcerative colitis can also be roughly divided into left half colon and right half colon. It is possible to distinguish the left and right functions of the lesion sites based on the differences in the physiological functions of Chinese and Western medicine differentiation, thereby improving the accuracy of traditional Chinese medicine treatment.
ulcerative colitis; range of lesions; left and right colon; right colon; left colon; traditional Chinese and western medicine
Tiantian Lei, Li Liu, Cui Li, Zhuo Chen. The lesion range of ulcerative colitis based on the left and right colon. International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine (2023), Vol. 5, Issue 4: 60-66.
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