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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2019, 1(3); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2019.010306.

Innovative economic management model of enterprises under the background of economic integration


Liang Shenglang

Corresponding Author:
Liang Shenglang

Economic Evaluation  Department Liaohe Oilfield, Panjin, Liaoning  124010, China


At present, many enterprises have relatively traditional economic management models. There are some issues that cannot be ignored in the economic management of enterprises under the background of economic integration. Based on this, on the basis of analyzing the current situation of economic management of enterprises and combining the significance of economic management of innovative enterprises, this article briefly explains how to strengthen the construction of innovative economic management modes of enterprises.


Economic integration; innovation; business economic management; approach

Cite This Paper

Liang Shenglang. Innovative economic management model of enterprises under the background of economic integratione. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2019) Vol. 1, Issue 3: 43-48. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2019.010306.


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