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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(7); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.050712.

Exploring the Construction of a Social Credit System Based on Blockchain Technology and Digital Trust


Liu Zichan1, Zhao Xincheng2

Corresponding Author:
Liu Zichan

1School of Economic and Management, Guangzhou City Construction College, Guangzhou, China

2Department of Development Planning, Guangzhou City Construction College, Guangzhou, China


The degree of information transmission and trust are closely related, and in socio-economic activities, information transmission often faces difficulties such as fragmentation, distortion, inadequacy, and asymmetry. With the development of information technology, social relationships have been reconstructed, and traditional trust mechanisms based on acquaintances and institutional trust can no longer meet the transactional needs of socio-economic activities. Therefore, a new form of digital trust has emerged, with blockchain technology as an important foundation, which can construct more direct, efficient, and reliable trust relationships. The advantages of blockchain technology in information sharing, data authentication, and automated transactions are suitable for solving the difficulties of narrow credit data scope, poor timeliness, difficult aggregation, information silos, and unclear digital property rights in the construction of a social credit system. Based on this, a practical approach to the construction of a social credit system based on digital trust and blockchain technology is proposed.


Trust; Blockchain; Digital trust; Social credit system

Cite This Paper

Liu Zichan, Zhao Xincheng. Exploring the Construction of a Social Credit System Based on Blockchain Technology and Digital Trust. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 7: 78-86. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2023.050712.


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