International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine, 2019, 1(1); doi: 10.25236/IJFM.2019.010110.
Yang Zhongya1, Wang Ji1, Zhang Juan 2,* , Zhanglong1
1College Ofphysical Education, Liupanshui Normal University, Guizhou 553004, China
2College Ofphysical Education, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China
*Corresponding Author e-Mail:[email protected]
Objective: to Explore Effects of Different Physical Activity Levels on the Risk of Chronic Disease among Middle-Aged Teachers in Local Universities, and to Provide Empirical Reference for the Intervention of Physical Activity in Chronic Disease among Middle-Aged Teachers and the Improvement of Quality of Life. Methods :a Total of 103 Effective Data Were Measured, Aged From45 to 59,the International Physical Activity (Pa)Questionnaire Was Adopted to Define the Levels of Pa, High Physical Activity Level Group(Hg, n=19),Moderate Physical Activity Level Group(Mg, n=47),Low Physical Activity Level Group(Lg, n=37).the Indexes of Common Cardiovascular Diseases Such as Osteoporosis and Arteriosclerosis Were Tested,One-Way Anova Was Used to Investigate the Effects of Different Levels of Pa on Indicators of Chronic Diseases among This Group, Correlation Analysis between Osteoporosis Disease Risk Factors and Pa Was Analyzed by Spearman Correlation, Using Spss19.0 Software, and the Significance Level Was P<0.05, P<0.01.Results :(1)the Proportion of Normal Bone Mass in Group m Was 57.4%, Followed by 52.6% in Group h and 43.2% in Group l. the t-Value of Bone Mineral Density in Group h and m Was Significantly Higher Than in Group l (P<0.01), While That in Group m Was Significantly Higher Than That in Group h (P<0.05).(2)There Was No Significant Effect on Blood Pressure in Different Physical Activity Level Groups, Hd Lin Group m and h Was Significantly Higher Than That in Group l (P≤0.01), and Ldl in Group m Was Significantly Lower Than That in Group l (P≤0.01). There Was No Significant Difference in Hdl \ Ldl between Group m and h. Conclusions:(1)People of Low Pa Level Are Vulnerable to Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular Disease and Other Chronic Diseases.(2)Moderate Pa Level is the Best Choice for Maintaining Normal Bone Mass and Improving Indicators of Cardiovascular Chronic Disease.(3)High Level of Pa Has a Certain Improvement Effect on Bone Mass and Cardiovascular Disease in Middle-Aged People, But the Effect is Not as Good as the Moderate Level of Physical Activity.
Physical Activity (Pa), Local Universities, Middle-Aged Teachers, Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular Chronic Disease
Yang Zhongya, Wang Ji, Zhang Juan, Zhanglong. The Effect of Different Physical Activity Levels on Chronic Diseases among Middle-Aged Faculty in Local Universities. International Journal of Frontiers in Medicine (2019), Vol. 1, Issue 1: 55-62.
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