Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(9); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.050903.
Ruoyuan Tang
Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 999077,China
This paper proposes an emergency model for task conflict, team creativity and project team development.As we all know, innovation is the primary productive force in enterprises. However, the conflicts arising from the task can better promote the development of creativity, which can be divided into three periods: the growth of creativity in the early, middle and final periods. Conflict is not a bad thing, but conflict at the right time can stimulate the creativity of members to a greater extent, brainstorming, information exchange and sharing. The relationship between task conflict and team creativity depends on the degree of conflict and when it occurs in the life cycle of the project team. In the research, it is found that creativity is the highest among medium-level task conflicts. In the later stage, task conflicts are found to have nothing to do with creativity.In modern organizations, the work team has become an important form and basic unit to complete the work, and its creativity is directly and significantly related to the performance output of the enterprise, but the diversity of members in the team is closely related to individual creativity, and interpersonal interaction will produce certain conflicts at all times, and the creativity that is stimulated in the conflict shows different forms and how to operate.
task conflict, team creativity, individual creativity, innovation, organizations, life cycle
Ruoyuan Tang. On the Periodic Gesture between Task Conflict and Team Creativity. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 9: 14-18.
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