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Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering, 2023, 5(4); doi: 10.25236/AJAGE.2023.050405.

Research on the Influence of Design Parameters on the Seismic Capacity of High Rise Prefabricated Structure Buildings


Wanhe Li, Ling Wu, Xuanqiao Che, Tingyu Wan, Xiaohui Wang, Yimin Zhou, Haifeng Liu

Corresponding Author:
Wanhe Li

Sichuan Vocational College of Chemical Technology, Luzhou, 646000, China


Building industrialization and resilience are the goals and trends of structural engineering development. Prestressed assembly design and construction is an effective way to achieve this goal. The birth of prefabricated buildings has met people's demand for diversified buildings from many angles. At the same time, prefabricated buildings have also broken the limitations of long construction time and low efficiency of traditional buildings, and gained broader development prospects in construction work. Compared with cast-in-place concrete structure, prestressed prefabricated concrete structure has the advantages of good performance, small residual deformation after earthquake, full use of high-strength materials to reduce self-weight, industrial production and fast construction speed. Each part of the prefabricated building can be disassembled and assembled. When designing the structure, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of the structural system, and set up the connection mode reasonably during assembly to ensure the stability of the structure. This paper expounds the influence of design parameters on the seismic capacity of high-rise assembled structure buildings, and puts forward the seismic design strategy of high-rise assembled structure buildings.


Assembled building; Design parameters; Shock resistance

Cite This Paper

Wanhe Li, Ling Wu, Xuanqiao Che, Tingyu Wan, Xiaohui Wang, Yimin Zhou, Haifeng Liu. Research on the Influence of Design Parameters on the Seismic Capacity of High Rise Prefabricated Structure Buildings. Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 4: 37-40. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJAGE.2023.050405.


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