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Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2023, 6(6); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2023.060603.

Infinite Mixture Prototypical Variational Autoencoder for Shilling Attack Detection in Recommender Systems


Xinhao Wang

Corresponding Author:
Xinhao Wang

School of Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing, China


With the rapid development of the Internet, recommendation systems have become increasingly important components of various e-commerce and social media platforms. However, recommendation systems also face some security issues, including the problem of shilling attacks. Shilling attacks refer to malicious users who use multiple fake accounts or provide fake reviews to influence the recommendation results and evaluations of the recommendation system, in order to obtain their own interests. The existence of shilling attacks not only affects users' shopping experiences, but also disrupts the normal operation of the recommendation system, affecting the platform's economic benefits.At present, some researchers have attempted to use prototype network methods to solve the problem of underattack detection with low attack filling rate and small attack scale, and have achieved good detection results. However, when faced with more complex underattack data, the effectiveness will deteriorate. We propose an attack detection method based on an infinite hybrid prototype network, and validate our method on real datasets to achieve good results in the face of more complex attacks.


Recommendation system; Shilling attack detection; Variational autoencoder; Supervised Prototype network; Infinite mixture model

Cite This Paper

Xinhao Wang. Infinite Mixture Prototypical Variational Autoencoder for Shilling Attack Detection in Recommender Systems. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2023), Vol. 6, Issue 6: 16-25. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJCIS.2023.060603.


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