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Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering, 2023, 5(5); doi: 10.25236/AJAGE.2023.050505.

Research on the Development Path of Green Building Materials from the Perspective of Dual Carbon


Ying Chen

Corresponding Author:
Ying Chen

China Energy Longyuan Environmental Protection Co., Ltd., Beijing, China


With the rapid development of green buildings, "green" and "dual carbon emission reduction" have become the development trend of today's architecture. At a large level, human society must consume a large amount of resources in order to develop. The concept of dual carbon economy needs to consider how to reduce resource consumption while increasing technological content. Taking a green and dual carbon economic development path and actively developing a green and dual carbon economy is not only a parallel approach, but also an inevitable choice to properly respond to global climate change, safeguard the overall interests of China's economic and social development, and national security. In terms of architectural planning and design, green buildings should be reflected in a very reasonable indoor layout design, fully utilizing sunlight and natural ventilation, maximizing energy savings, and creating a safe, healthy, and comfortable living space for residents, as well as a good feeling of being close to nature, harmony, and comfort. By recognizing the benefits of using green and energy-efficient buildings for individuals, society, and the future, a consensus will be formed and relevant policies will be implemented to award the label of "green and energy-efficient buildings" to those who meet the standards.


Dual carbon perspective, Green building materials, Development path

Cite This Paper

Ying Chen. Research on the Development Path of Green Building Materials from the Perspective of Dual Carbon. Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 5: 28-32. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJAGE.2023.050505.


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