Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(15); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.051517.
Loua Zoh Nicaise1, Wang Jinghua2
1International Trade, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, 200444
2Lecturer, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China, 200444
It should be noted that the volume of trade between Ivory Coast and China is experiencing remarkable growth in recent years, especially supply chains based on raw materials, pharmaceutical and medical equipment. Collaboration between the two countries in health is carried out in training, medical assistance, equipment, and health infrastructure donations. However, threats and weaknesses that both countries must consider for more successful collaboration. This study intends to provide helpful information to predict the success or failure of companies and organizations and assist in choosing what would be the best strategies, policies, approaches, suggestions and cooperation ways, or partnerships to adopt.
China–Africa trade relationship; Sino-Ivorian medical supply chain; Healthcare industry
Loua Zoh Nicaise, Wang Jinghua. China-Africa Medical Supply Chain: Case of Ivory Coast. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 15: 108-114.
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