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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2023, 5(8); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2023.050815.

Strategic Game Theory for Managers—Japanese Movie Rashomon


Yi Hu

Corresponding Author:
Yi Hu

Comexposium (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China, 200082


A Game Theory provides a framework that attempts to capture the interaction of two or more decision makers, evaluating how the decision made by one player has an effect on the decision made by the other. It is widely used in decision making process, and has a number of interesting applications. During the paper,we will first develop the basic tools needed to understanding the concepts behind such discipline. Therefore, the first sessions of the paper will be focused on understanding what is a game, what are the elements of a game, and what are some of the classical games used to model well-known situations. In the second part, we will devote more attention to some applications of game theory. We will directly work on Japanese movie Rashomon case, and foster the strategic abilities of readers concerning the decision making process. The idea behind the case is that Game Theory can be used through the use of real world example, rather than through the introduction of abstract concepts and notions. Therefore, during the course, every concept will be presented in the context of real world situations and, thus, games and situations that arise in business settings will be thoroughly analyzed. An important part of the paper is to identify a situation of interest from the real world, analyze such situations using the Game Theory tools provided during the course, and offer specific strategic advises to the players of the game.


Game theory, Nash Equilibrium, Mixed Strategy in Tennis, Dating and Paying Taxes, Evolutionary Games: Cooperation, Mutation, and Equilibrium

Cite This Paper

Yi Hu. Strategic Game Theory for Managers—Japanese Movie Rashomon. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2023), Vol. 5, Issue 8: 85-90. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2023.050815.


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