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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(17); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.051723.

Innovation of Digital Architecture Asset Management Model Based on Tool Support


Chengping Zhang1,2, Yaqing Liu1,2, Chaoqin Tan1,2, Zefeng Li1,2

Corresponding Author:
Chengping Zhang

1Beijing SGITG Accenture Information Technology Center Co., Ltd, Beijing, China

2State Grid SGITG Digital Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd, Beijing, China


To resolve the problems such as multiple system architecture, complex system interfaces, slow response to business needs, duplication, etc. during digital construction management, consider using the advantages of enterprise architecture methodology, design and develop a digital architecture asset management tool, which include a panoramic view of assets, one key maintenance of assets and other functions. Through application practice in power grid enterprises, the tool provides new ideas for enterprise architecture asset management, and improve the quality and efficiency of enterprise digital construction and management.


Architecture Asset Management Tool, Digital Construction Management, Enterprise Architecture

Cite This Paper

Chengping Zhang, Yaqing Liu, Chaoqin Tan, Zefeng Li. Innovation of Digital Architecture Asset Management Model Based on Tool Support. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 17: 153-156. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2023.051723.


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