Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(17); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.051724.
Lijuan Yan1, Yang Wang2
1Management College, Beijing Union University, Beijing, China
2Renmin Business School, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China
Internal audit, an essential component of enterprise economic management, has gradually become a source of value for achieving the high-quality development of enterprises. We take state-owned enterprises holding listed companies in Beijing from 2017 to 2021 as the research object. It examines the impact of internal audit quality on the financialization of state-owned enterprises. We find that state-owned enterprises with higher internal audit quality have a higher degree of financialization. In addition, when the intensity of external supervision is higher, internal supervision and external supervision form a joint force, and the quality of internal audit has a stronger promoting effect on the degree of financialization of state-owned enterprises. Our results help to enrich the research on the economic consequences of internal auditing, expand the research on the influencing factors of enterprise financialization, and have particular reference significance for enterprises to improve financial asset management.
Internal Audit; Enterprise Financialization; External Supervision
Lijuan Yan, Yang Wang. The Impact of Internal Audit on Corporate Financialization—Empirical Evidence Based on Listed Companies Controlled by State-owned Enterprises in Beijing. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 17: 157-166.
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