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Frontiers in Sport Research, 2019, 1(4); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2019.010412.

Analysis of the Zhengzhou Olympic Sports Center Project Based on Sustainable Development Environment


Liu Long

Corresponding Author:
Liu Long

Anyang Normal University, Anyang Henan, 455002, China


Taking the Zhengzhou Olympic Sports Center project as the research object, this paper analyses it from the perspective of urban symbiosis and the sustainable development of large-scale stadiums and gymnasiums. It is found that there exist problems in the site selection and the follow-up utilization of the project. It is necessary to make secondary planning for the follow-up development of the stadiums and the surrounding supporting facilities so as to turn Zhengzhou Olympic Sports Center into a green service-oriented venue suitable for the health needs of Zhengzhou residents and the sustainable development of the sports industry.


Sustainable development; Building environment; Zhengzhou olympic sports center

Cite This Paper

Liu Long. Analysis of the Zhengzhou Olympic Sports Center Project Based on Sustainable Development Environment. Frontiers in Sport Research (2019) Vol. 1 Issue 4: 65-69. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSR.2019.010412.


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