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Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences, 2023, 4(8); doi: 10.25236/AJMHS.2023.040812.

Study on the Satisfaction of Medical Services for the Elderly under the Community Medical Resource Sharing Model


Hong Chu1, Jialu Chu2, Bingxuan Zhang3

Corresponding Author:
Jialu Chu

1Community Service Management Center, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China

2Tianjin College, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Tianjin, China

3Tianjin College, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Tianjin, China


This study aims to explore the satisfaction level of elderly individuals regarding healthcare services within a community healthcare resource-sharing model. By conducting a literature review and data analysis, the impact of the community healthcare resource-sharing model is investigated on the satisfaction level of elderly individuals with healthcare services, as well as the key factors influencing satisfaction and potential improvement measures. The study adopts a quantitative research approach, collecting satisfaction data from elderly individuals and conducting statistical analysis. The findings reveal a significant positive impact of the community healthcare resource-sharing model on the satisfaction level of elderly individuals with healthcare services. By integrating and sharing healthcare resources, elderly individuals can conveniently access healthcare services, leading to improved satisfaction. Additionally, factors such as healthcare service quality, communication and interaction, healthcare costs, and social support also play important roles in determining the satisfaction level of elderly individuals with healthcare services. Based on the research results, recommendations are proposed to enhance the community healthcare resource-sharing model and improve the satisfaction level of elderly individuals with healthcare services. These recommendations include improving healthcare service quality, enhancing communication and interaction, controlling healthcare costs, and strengthening social support networks. These suggestions contribute to enhancing the quality of life for elderly individuals, promoting effective utilization and equitable distribution of community healthcare resources. However, this study has certain limitations, including sample scope restrictions and the use of a cross-sectional design. Future research could consider broader samples and longitudinal study designs to gain deeper insights into the changes in and influencing factors of satisfaction with healthcare services among elderly individuals.


community healthcare resource-sharing model, elderly individuals, satisfaction with healthcare services, healthcare service quality, healthcare costs, social support

Cite This Paper

Hong Chu, Jialu Chu, Bingxuan Zhang. Study on the Satisfaction of Medical Services for the Elderly under the Community Medical Resource Sharing Model. Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences (2023) Vol. 4, Issue 8: 71-75. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJMHS.2023.040812.


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