Frontiers in Sport Research, 2019, 1(4); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2019.010415.
JianLin Wei
Guangdong, Guangzhou Huali Technology Lecturer of Guangzhou Huali Technology Vocational College, 511325, China
With the reform of the national education system, the teaching methods and models of all kinds of colleges and universities are being reformed in an orderly way. The education system of the new era requires teachers to constantly update their teaching concepts and innovate teaching methods with students as the center. In the teaching of physical education in higher vocational colleges, the traditional teaching mode of physical education is too conservative, the enthusiasm of students in physical education is not high, at the same time, some main subjects will occupy physical education, so it is difficult to effectively cultivate students' physical literacy in physical education, and it is difficult to improve students' professional ability. Therefore, this paper mainly studies and discusses the cultivation of students' physical literacy and professional ability in Higher Vocational Physical Education, and formulates a series of methods and measures to improve students' physical literacy and professional ability.
Higher vocational physical education; Physical literacy; Professional ability; Training
JianLin Wei. The Combination Strategy of Students' Professional Ability and Sports Accomplishment in Higher Vocational Physical Education. Frontiers in Sport Research (2019) Vol. 1 Issue 4: 80-84.
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