Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(19); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.051911.
Mingkun Du, Minxuan Yang, Yishuo Jia, Yuxin Duan, Yihua Li, Ruohan Liang
Beijing 21st Century International School, Haidian, Beijing, China
The process of digital transformation is gaining importance as a result of the current trend of the expanding digital economy and the rapid expansion of the digital economy.By constructing the index of digital transformation of enterprises through the text of the annual report of listed enterprises, the quasi-benchmark regression method is used to study the influence of the composition of technical personnel of enterprises on digital transformation. The final conclusion of the paper is that the digital transformation of enterprises has a certain impact on the proportion of enterprise technicians in general. In large enterprises, the digital transformation affects the recruitment of technical personnel and thus affects the enterprise structure, while in small and medium-sized enterprises, the degree of digital transformation does not significantly improve the recruitment of technical personnel in enterprises, but has an inhibiting effect.
Enterprise Digital Transformation, Text Mining, Tenchmark Regression
Mingkun Du, Minxuan Yang, Yishuo Jia, Yuxin Duan, Yihua Li, Ruohan Liang. Empirical analysis of the impact of enterprise digital transformation on the composition of the technicist. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 19: 69-76.
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