The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2019, 1(9); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2019.010917.
Duyou Wang
School of Public Administration, Yancheng Teachers' University, Yancheng Jiangsu 224007, China
On the background of the current rural revitalization, in this paper the causes of little entrepreneurship effectiveness existing in the returning migrant workers to their hometowns will be analyzed, and it will be pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the guidance of reverse migrant workers' entrepreneurship training, imply relevant preferential policies and improve the entrepreneurial environment, so as to properly prevent the causes.As a result, the entrepreneurship effectiveness for migrant workers can be promoted. At last,the strategy of rural revitalization will be implemented.
Rural revitalization; Returning migrant workers; Entrepreneurship effectiveness
Duyou Wang. Research about the Path of Promoting the Entrepreneurship Effectiveness of Returning Migrant Workers on the Background of Rural Revitalization. The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2019) Vol. 1 Issue 9: 93-98.
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