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Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(20); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.052018.

Influence of Environment Factors on Enterprise Management Decision and the Coping Strategies


Jizhao Ji, Limin Chen

Corresponding Author:
Jizhao Ji

Lyceum of the Philippines University, Manila, 1002, Philippines


This paper intends to explore the main environmental problems faced by high-tech companies in the process of innovation and development. Through the analysis of the current situation of the growth and development of enterprises, the differences between enterprises and developed countries and regions in environmental innovation and development ability and the reasons are obtained, and the importance of environment to the innovation and growth of high-tech enterprises is obtained. Meanwhile, taking the relationship between enterprises and environment as the starting point, the environmental factors are divided into two types, one is direct environmental factors, the other is indirect environmental factors. They have carried out a comprehensive analysis and research on the enterprise's own institutional environment, enterprise behavior environment, talent environment, financing environment, research and development environment, social legal system environment, market environment and supporting environment that affect the innovation and growth of high-tech enterprises. This paper attempts to analyze the development and change process of economic, financial, legal and other environments in the growth and development of high-tech enterprises, and its impact on the innovation and growth of enterprises, so as to reduce the deficiency of the growth and development ability of enterprises. The finance environment score is 7.4; the legal and policy environment score is 6.2; the technology environment score is 8.1, and the human resources environment score is 6.8. In the research on the innovative growth of Chinese enterprises, the most important thing is to combine various environmental factors that affect the development of enterprises. This paper is helpful to explore the mode of innovative growth of enterprises from the perspective of environment.


Environmental Factors, Enterprise Operation, Financing Environment, Technical Environment, Industrial Environment

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Jizhao Ji, Limin Chen. Influence of Environment Factors on Enterprise Management Decision and the Coping Strategies. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 20: 130-137. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJBM.2023.052018.


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