Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(20); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.052020.
Chen Shuyang1, Yu Xian2
1Guangzhou Huashang College, Guangzhou, 511300, China
2Guangxi Natural Resources Vocational and Technical College, Nanning, 532100, China
To exist and develop in society, enterprises should not only have economic responsibilities but also undertake social responsibilities. This paper takes Liuyao Group as the case object, and analyzes the impact of its fulfillment of social responsibility on financial performance by analyzing its social responsibility. The research results show that the fulfillment of social responsibility can improve Liuyao Group's operating income, sales net profit rate and the proportion of operating cash flow in operating income, but has no effect on current ratio and quick ratio.
social responsibility; corporate performance; Liuyao Group
Chen Shuyang, Yu Xian. Research on the Impact of Fulfilling Social Responsibility on Enterprise Performance—Taking Liuyao Group as an Example. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 20: 144-152.
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