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The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2023, 5(15); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2023.051504.

Digital Art Copyright Management and Protection Based on Non-Fungible Tokens


Shu Wu1, Yuewen Guo1, Chao Hu1, Alia Erbolat2, Beibei Tang3, Kangrui Sun4

Corresponding Author:
Kangrui Sun

1Sino-German College, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China

2School of Journalism and Communication, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China

3Golden Concord Holdings, Suzhou, China 

4Yizhu Intelligent Technology, Hangzhou, China


Since the emerge of NFT artworks in 2019, countless users have begun to flood the NFT trading market. As a non-fungible token, NFT not only provides a new art form, but also can provide a new way for the copyright protection of current artworks. This paper will choose literature analyzing method and comparative analysis method. A detailed analysis will be given to explain the operation and related copyright protection of mainstream NFT trading platforms at home and abroad. Combined with the analysis of actual domestic NFT transactions and the situation of copyright protection, from the three levels of law, technology and management, this paper proposes countermeasures and suggestions for digital art copyright management and protection which based on NFT, that is, non-fungible tokens. We expect to analyze the mainstream NFT trading platforms at home and abroad comprehensively and objectively, summarize their characteristics and commonalities, enrich the application of NFT in the field of copyright protection, provide reference opinions for the construction of the domestic NFT copyright protection environment, and promote the development and prosperity of the cultural industry.


Non-fungible Tokens, NFT trading platform, copyright management and protection

Cite This Paper

Shu Wu, Yuewen Guo, Chao Hu, Alia Erbolat, Beibei Tang, Kangrui Sun. Digital Art Copyright Management and Protection Based on Non-Fungible Tokens. The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 15: 18-23. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSST.2023.051504.


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