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Academic Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences, 2023, 4(1); doi: 10.25236/AJALS.2023.040105.

Industrial Development Status of Gardenia, an Authentic Medicinal Herb in Jiangxi Province


Li Xuejin

Corresponding Author:
Li Xuejin

Department of Medicine, Jiujiang University, No. 551, Qianjin East Road, Jiujiang, Jiangxi, China


Gardenia is a dried fruit of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis, a Rubiaceae plant, which has the effect of treating angina, diuresis, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, hemostatic, anti-cancer, etc. Yellow pigment is the main active ingredient in gardenia fruit, with a content of about 10%. Gardenia Yellow effectively mimics the natural tint of lemon yellow, enabling vivid, natural coloration. It has strong coloring ability and stable properties, and has the advantages of nutrition and health, without any toxic side effects. It has been approved by China for use as a general food raw material and food additive, and it is extensively used in pastry, beverage, ice cream, wine and other food industries as a natural food colorant.


Jiangxi Province, authentic medicinal materials, mast, research status, mast industry

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Li Xuejin. Industrial Development Status of Gardenia, an Authentic Medicinal Herb in Jiangxi Province. Academic Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences (2023) Vol. 4 Issue 1: 25-29. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJALS.2023.040105.


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