The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2023, 5(16); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2023.051617.
Gaomei Luo
Shanghai Harbour School, Shanghai, 200136, China
FluidSIM software is the key to carry out the simulation and training teaching of hydraulic transmission system. With the help of FluidSIM software, students can actively participate in the operation of hydraulic transmission system, so their learning interest and effect will be improved. In this thesis, the software of FluidSIM is analyzed, and the simulation training teaching of hydraulic transmission system in secondary vocational schools is further studied with the software of FluidSIM as the core, hoping to bring reference to people who pay attention to the simulation training teaching of traditional hydraulic system under the software of FluidSIM.
FluidSIM software, Secondary vocational school, Hydraulic transmission system, Simulation training teaching
Gaomei Luo. Teaching Analysis of Hydraulic Transmission System Simulation Training Based on FluidSIM Software. The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 16: 106-110.
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