The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology, 2019, 1(8); doi: 10.25236/FSST.2019.010818.
Jike quri
Southwest Institute of Nationalities, Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu 610000, China
The term “Kabba” in Liangshan Yi society is generally translated with the word “gift”, but the unidirectional, immediate reward and reward characteristics of “Kabba” are different from the ordinary gift concept. This different unity comes from a different understanding of the concept of gifts. The “Kabba” gift of the Liangshan Yi society just shows that each culture has its own specific interpretation of the concept of gifts, and these understandings are the core of the exchange of gifts in the local society. This also proves that the gift makes the concept of the gift different because of its different cultures and concepts.
Gift concept; Liangshan Yi; Kabba
Jike quri. Concept and Understanding: “Kabba” Exchange in Liangshan Yi Society. The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (2019) Vol. 1 Issue 8: 110-116.
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