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Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2023, 6(12); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2023.061219.

Pre-evaluation of Delayed Retirement Policy in Shandong Province Based on Pension Accumulation Gap Model


Xiaoyun Xu, Yuetong Li, Boyang Mao, Ziyang Huang

Corresponding Author:
Xiaoyun Xu

College of Statistics and Data Science, Qufu Normal University, Jining, Shandong, 273165, China


With the improvement of living standards and medical care, the average life expectancy in China has increased significantly, which will lead to a serious aging of the population.In order to deal with the problem of aging population in Shandong Province, this paper formulate effective and feasible solutions from the perspective of delayed retirement policy and pension insurance. This paper evaluates the feasibility of a delayed retirement system and analyzes the positive impact if the retirement policy is implemented. Combining with the characteristics of endowment and endowment insurance, the paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures for the healthy and stable development of China's endowment system.


Aging, delayed retirement, pensions, countermeasures

Cite This Paper

Xiaoyun Xu, Yuetong Li, Boyang Mao, Ziyang Huang. Pre-evaluation of Delayed Retirement Policy in Shandong Province Based on Pension Accumulation Gap Model. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2023), Vol. 6, Issue 12: 158-163. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJCIS.2023.061219.


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