Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(25); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.052521.
Lianhua Lin, Thitinant Wareewanich
Rajamangala University of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
In the era of the knowledge economy, productivity factors have undergone tremendous changes, the advantages of material resources have gradually weakened, and human resources have become the main factor in economic operation, making knowledge workers an indispensable force for the development of enterprises. However, the increasing turnover of knowledge workers poses risks to business development and has attracted the attention of scholars. Rongfang Company is a medium to large enterprise with over half its knowledge-based employees. To help the company determine the reasons for employees' turnover intention, this paper investigated Rongfang Company employees from organizational justice perception, psychological contract, and turnover intention. We used SPSS 25 software to analyze the results and draw conclusions. Each aspect of organizational justice reduces knowledge worker turnover intentions, with distributive justice having the greatest impact. Psychological contract plays a mediating role in the relationship between organizational justice and turnover intention. In addition, this paper summarizes the actual development situation of Rongfang Company and makes related suggestions, which are of great significance in promoting the development of the enterprise.
Organizational justice; Psychological contract; Turnover intention; Knowledge workers
Lianhua Lin, Thitinant Wareewanich. Research on Turnover Intention of Knowledge Employees in Manufacturing Based on Organizational Justice and Psychological Contract—Take Rongfang Company as an Example. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 25: 140-144.
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