Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2023, 5(27); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2023.052707.
Luo Xiaodan
Sichuan Minzu College, Kangding, Sichuan, China, 626001
In recent years, more and more startups have chosen to implement green innovation strategies and balance the relationship between their production and business activities and environmental protection in a more proactive manner. Green innovation strategy is seen as an active environmental strategy that can achieve green innovation in products and processes, weaken the adverse impact of enterprise production and operation practices on the environment, and bring unique competitive advantages and profitability to enterprises. Through literature review, it was found that although existing research has gradually increased its attention to green innovation strategies, the understanding of green innovation strategies still lacks systematicity and comprehensiveness, mainly reflected in: firstly, a lack of attention to new startups implementing green innovation strategies. Existing research focuses more on the implementation of green innovation strategies and green transformation issues for large enterprises. However, new startups need to take on more responsibility in achieving sustainable economic and social development, especially in stimulating economic vitality and developing green innovation technologies. However, existing research lacks attention to new startups implementing green innovation strategies. Based on this, this article focuses on green innovation strategies. From the perspectives of "why" and "how", can green innovation strategies have a positive impact on the performance of new startups? How can we achieve the transformation of green innovation strategy into the performance of new startups? In summary, this article has certain reference value for driving new startups in China to choose green innovation strategies, achieve performance improvement, and promote green transformation of the economy and society.
Green innovation; New Ventures Performance; Environmental Strategy
Luo Xiaodan. Research on the Impact of Green Innovation on New Ventures Performance. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 27: 39-45.
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