Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2023, 6(13); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2023.061305.
Jie Gao1, Lu Zhang1, Bo Lin2, Xunbin Hu1
1Xi'an Company of Shaanxi Tobacco Company, Xi'an, China
2Shaanxi Company of China Tobacco Company, Xi'an, China
The accuracy of supply forecast and sales forecast of tobacco industry is directly related to the production and development of tobacco industry. Supply and sales forecast is the premise and basis of production and sales plan, which can improve the scientific nature of production and sales plan, so as to create more economic benefits for the tobacco industry and promote social and economic development. The application of cloud computing technology and SSA-SVR hybrid model can effectively solve the problem of tobacco industry and improve the sales prediction accuracy of tobacco industry. In this regard, this paper combines the literature data method, case analysis method, statistical methods, comparative experiment and other methods to deeply study the tobacco industry sales forecast based on cloud computing and SSA-SVR.
Tobacco industry, Cloud computing technology, Singular spectrum analysis (SSA), Support vector regression (SVR) model, Drosophila optimization algorithm, SSA-SVR hybrid model, Sales forecast
Jie Gao, Lu Zhang, Bo Lin, Xunbin Hu. Research on Tobacco Industry Sales Forecast Based on Cloud Computing and SSA-SVR. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2023), Vol. 6, Issue 13: 29-34.
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