Frontiers in Sport Research, 2023, 5(12); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2023.051201.
Qinghe Wang, Lan Li
Division of Sports Science, Sports & Leisure Industry, Kyonggi University, Suwon-si, 16227, Korea
Amid the comprehensive reforms in Chinese education, an increasing number of physical education professionals, academics, and grassroots teachers are actively investigating and experimenting with fresh pedagogical methodologies and teaching frameworks, with the ultimate aim of discovering new approaches to innovating physical education classes. During group learning, students accomplish predetermined learning objectives whilst simultaneously fostering camaraderie, cultivating a sense of cooperation and competition, enhancing social adaptability, promoting mental wellbeing, developing emotional resilience, and meeting the reform goals of physical education teaching. This study employs the teaching experiment method to analyze and research the dynamic group teaching method in college physical education classrooms. A total of forty-five students from two classes enrolled in the common basketball course at Henan Normal University in Henan Province were randomly selected to participate in the whole-semester experiment. One class served as the experimental group, receiving dynamic group teaching, while the other served as the control group receiving traditional teaching. The research findings from the dynamic group teaching experiment indicate a significant improvement in the basketball skills of students who were taught using the dynamic group teaching method compared to those who were not. Furthermore, the degree and quality of improvement were found to be greater than that observed in the control group. The implementation of the dynamic group teaching method in common basketball courses at colleges and universities has significantly enhanced students' shooting and dribbling abilities. This method carries great educational importance for conducting better teaching experiments and enhancing teaching efficiency.
dynamic group teaching, common basketball courses at colleges and universities, physical education teaching
Qinghe Wang, Lan Li. Experimental Research on Dynamic Group Teaching Method in Common Basketball Courses at Colleges and Universities—Taking Henan Normal University as an Example. Frontiers in Sport Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 12: 1-7.
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