Frontiers in Sport Research, 2023, 5(12); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2023.051202.
Xia Shuangxi1,2, Lizelle Eugenio-Villanueva2
1Huayuan Branch of Songjiang Experimental School Affiliated to Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai, China
2Emilio Aguinaldo College, Manila, Philippines
This study investigated how coaches' transformational leadership behavior affect student athletes' achievement motivation at Huayuan Branch of Songjiang Experimental School. The researcher, a physical education teacher and track and field team coach of the school conducted the study using a sample population from the same institution. The transformational leadership behavior of coaches was assessed by a group of selected student athletes from the school, and student athletes also rated their own achievement motivation. The athlete-respondents’ assessment of their coach’s transformational leadership were based on the following factors: modelling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling others to act and encouraging the heart. Consequently, the athlete respondents’ achievement motivation was assessed in terms of achievement, power and affiliation. The goal of this study was to propose a coaching program that uses motivational techniques to encourage and assist student athletes in achieving the goals they have set. It entails coaching methods intended to improve confidence, increase motivation, and promote both professional and personal development. Recognizing the significant impact of transformational leadership on athletes, the program aims to create a motivational climate that fosters personal and team success. Based from the results, significant relationships were found between the transformational leadership behavior of coaches in terms of modelling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling others to act, and encouraging the heart, and the student athletes’ achievement motivation in terms of achievement, power, and affiliation. The results highlight how important it is to use positive and transformative coaching techniques. Student athletes' motivation levels are greatly impacted when coaches exhibit traits like leading by example, inspiring, challenging, enabling, and encouraging.
Transformational leadership behavior; An athlete; Achievement motivation; Motivational coaching program
Xia Shuangxi, Lizelle Eugenio-Villanueva. A Research on Coaches’ Transformational Leadership Behavior and Student Athletes’ Achievement Motivation. Frontiers in Sport Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 12: 8-13.
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