Frontiers in Sport Research, 2023, 5(12); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2023.051205.
Zhao Wentao
Sichuan Minzu College, Sichuan, Kangding, 626001, China
This document aims to conduct a risk control analysis of sports activities in higher education institutions based on big data technology. Firstly, it introduces data collection and analysis methods, including data sources and characteristics, data preprocessing methods, and data statistical analysis methods. Next, an analysis is made of the current situation of risk control in sports activities in higher education institutions, including the state of safety management and the analysis of accidents and their causes. Then, challenges and strategies for risk control in sports activities in higher education institutions are proposed, including establishing a comprehensive safety management system, providing professional coaches and supervisors, strengthening the maintenance of sports facilities and equipment, conducting safety knowledge education and training, and enhancing supervision and inspections. Finally, a conclusion is drawn. Through the research and analysis in this document, it can provide reference and inspiration for the risk control of sports activities in higher education institutions.
Big data; College athletics; Athletic risk; Analysis
Zhao Wentao. Analysis of Risk Control in College Sports Based on Big Data Technology. Frontiers in Sport Research (2023) Vol. 5, Issue 12: 26-30.
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