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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2023, 5(16); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2023.051604.

Traditional festivals and modern society: An examination of change and inheritance


Ning Ping

Corresponding Author:
Ning Ping

Hanseo University of Korea, Seosan-si, 999007, Korea


From the perspective of the relationship between traditional festivals and modern society, this paper deeply discusses the origin and evolution of traditional festivals and the changes of modern social life. This paper analyzes the inheritance value of traditional festival culture, as well as the inheritance and innovation of traditional festivals in modern society. Finally, it discusses the ways to integrate traditional festivals with modern society, including education inheritance, media publicity, holding activities, integrating into tourism and innovative forms. This paper aims to provide reference and inspiration for how to radiate new vitality in modern society, so as to promote the inheritance and development of national culture.


traditional festival; modern society; change and inheritance

Cite This Paper

Ning Ping. Traditional festivals and modern society: An examination of change and inheritance. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2023), Vol. 5, Issue 16: 20-25. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2023.051604.


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