Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2024, 6(2); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2024.060208.
Guangkui Han1, Xiaohan Ma1, Yu Wang2, Zhijuan Li3
1School of Management, Beijing Union University, Beijing, China
2School of Biochemical Engineering, Beijing Union University, Beijing, China
3Graduate Studies Office, Beijing Union University, Beijing, China
In the current landscape of rapidly accelerating technological changes and intensifying global competition, innovation has become a fundamental guarantee for the survival and enduring development of enterprises. Employee innovation serves as a primary pillar supporting organizational innovation, making it crucial for businesses to explore methods of inspiring the enthusiasm and innovative behavior of their workforce. This study focuses on knowledge workers at Company A, aiming to construct a model that elucidates the influence mechanism of employee overtime behavior on innovation. It analyzes the impact of overtime work and knowledge sharing on the innovative behavior of knowledge workers at Company A. The results reveal that overtime work exhibits an inverted U-shaped impact on innovation behavior, and knowledge sharing acts as an intermediary between overtime behavior and innovation behavior. Finally, drawing insights from the practical context of Company A, this paper proposes corresponding strategies and recommendations.
Knowledge Workers; Overtime Behavior; Knowledge Sharing; Innovative Behavior
Guangkui Han, Xiaohan Ma, Yu Wang, Zhijuan Li. The Impact of Overtime Behavior and Knowledge Sharing on the Innovative Behavior of Knowledge Workers. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 2: 54-59.
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