International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2024, 6(3); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2024.060306.
Jiawen Li
Guizhou Qiannan College of Science and Technology, Qiannan, Guizhou, China
The legislation of “sale without breach of lease” is a rule set up in the context of the creditorization of property rights to prevent the owner’s autonomy from being damaged due to the separation of ownership rights. However, protecting vulnerable lessees is not the purpose of the legislation, but only its purpose—the manifestation of legal effects at the level of social impacts. Civil law countries uphold the creditor's rights attribute of leasehold rights while strengthening their adversarial effect. In contrast, leasehold rights in Anglo-American law have the dual characteristics of property and contractual rights. Our country’s legislation inherits the legislative philosophy of German law, and relevant rules are scattered in the Civil Code, property rights, judicial interpretations, and some administrative legislation. The lease right should be understood as the sum of the rights enjoyed by the lessee to request the lessor to deliver the leased property and to occupy and use it. Theoretically, the right to claim and the usufruct right in the lease right should not be artificially separated. However, the right to claim stage. The lease right has no adversarial effect. Our country lease rights should maintain the nature of creditor’s rights, and space should be reserved for establishing property leases in special laws. The adversarial effect of the lease right is one of the situations in which the creditor’s rights are materialized. It is the inevitable result of the rich content of the law of obligations and the decline of the law of property under the restriction of the legal doctrine of property rights. The lease right is a real usufruct right based on a debt relationship, and its antagonistic effect comes from the use of the subject matter based on the lease contract based on the premise of publicity.
Lease right, Confrontation effect, Possession, Publicity, Legal effect
Jiawen Li. The Adversarial Impact of Lease Rights in Chinese Law. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 3: 31-37.
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