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Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2020, 3(1); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2020.030111.

Selection of coordinate axis and calculation of coordinate point direction in apparel CAD system


Xiaolu Ye

Corresponding Author:
Xiaolu Ye

College of Design and Creativity , Wenzhou Polytechnic,Wenzhou 325003,Zhejiang,China


In the clothing CAD system, the grading of the clothing pattern occupies a very important position. In this paper,we enumerated and analyzed the problems that often occur in the operation of pattern grading CAD system. And focused on how to select the vertical and horizontal coordinate axes and calculate the plus and minus signs of the grading points of clothing pattern before grading and inputting the grading values in pattern grading CAD system, and then brought them into the women's suit pattern for application and verification. At last achieved the purpose of improving the efficiency of pattern grading.


pattern grading CAD system, grading technology, coordinate axis, calculation of the sign

Cite This Paper

Xiaolu Ye. Selection of coordinate axis and calculation of coordinate point direction in apparel CAD system. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2020), Vol. 3, Issue 1: 102-113. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJCIS.2020.030111.


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