Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2024, 7(4); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2024.070401.
Xinchao Wu
Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai, China
In this paper we aim to establish appropriate models to predict housing prices that are affected by multiple factors and we use various machine learning methods to predict house prices. Boosting methods often aim to reduce the bias of a model but can increase its variance. Conversely, bagging methods tend to decrease the variance of a model. Therefore, we attempted to combine these two algorithms to improve the model's capability for predicting house prices. After comparing different methods, we combined the XGBoost and Bagging to construct a novel model for predicting house prices. The experimental results demonstrate that among all the methods, the proposed approach achieves the best prediction performance for housing prices. Furthermore, when compared to using XGBoost alone, our integrated model exhibits improved precision, indicating its efficacy in addressing the challenges associated with housing price prediction.
house price prediction, machine learning, ensemble learning, XGBoost, bagging
Xinchao Wu. The Xgboost-Bagging Approach of Predicting House Prices. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2024), Vol. 7, Issue 4: 1-9.
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