Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 6(2); doi: 10.25236/AJAGE.2024.060206.
Yan Mao, Jianlan Xiao, Xiaofang Bi
College of Architecture and Art Design, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, China
BIM technology provides a three-dimensional and visual means for the construction industry, which has certain advantages in traditional building protection. As a kind of historical material heritage, traditional Chinese houses have their own humanistic values. In this paper, a stone-built house in Dakou Village on the Taihang Ancient Road is taken as an example, through surveying and mapping, the traditional house is established by using REVIT software, and a complete architectural model is formed through the insertion of the "family", and the plan, axis and perspective view of the building are obtained, which shows the application and advantages of BIM technology in the visualization of traditional houses, and proposes the protection and development of stone houses.
BIM, stone dwellings, conservation and development
Yan Mao, Jianlan Xiao, Xiaofang Bi. Protection and Development of Traditional Stone Residential Villages Based on BIM Technology: A Case Study of Dakou Village. Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 2: 31-36.
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