Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering, 2024, 6(2); doi: 10.25236/AJAGE.2024.060208.
Cheng Chen, Youkun Zhou
National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China, Beijing, China
This paper focuses on the current status of water usage and water use strategies of data centers of large Internet companies in the United States. Combined with the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the paper illustrates the cooling systems and factors affecting water consumption in data centers, as well as the difference between the Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and Water Usage Effectiveness (WUE). Then the paper analyses the water use strategies and water use targets of hyperscale data centers of Internet companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Facebook. Specifically, Amazon pays great attention to the Water Positive, and Google puts emphasis on water replenishment, meanwhile both Microsoft and Facebook choose to adopt efficient cooling systems to achieve their Water Positive goals. The water use strategies of data centers in China are recommended from the aspects of policy and technology by combining with the requirements of the green and low-carbon development of China's data centers.
Data Center, WUE, Water Positive
Cheng Chen, Youkun Zhou. Research on Water Use Strategies for Hyperscale Data Centers. Academic Journal of Architecture and Geotechnical Engineering (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 2: 42-45.
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