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Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2024, 7(5); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2024.070511.

A Spatio-temporal Traffic Flow Forecasting Method Based on WAC-GCN


Zhaorui Ge1, Shuai Dai2

Corresponding Author:
Shuai Dai

1People's Public Security University of China, Beijing, 100038, China

2Road Traffic Safety Research Center of the Ministry of Public Security, Beijing, 100062, China


Traffic flow prediction plays an important role in smart city construction. Aiming at the problem that it is difficult to extract the spatio-temporal dynamic correlation of traffic flow, a traffic flow prediction model based on wavelet analysis, 2D convolutional neural network and graph convolutional neural network (WAC-GCN) was proposed. Firstly, the spatial correlation heat map was constructed by nodes to find the spatial correlation characteristics between different nodes. Secondly, the control variable method is used to adjust the parameters of the model, and the Early Stopping technique is introduced to improve the generalization performance of the model and reduce the waste of time and resources. Finally, the test set was used and different modules were eliminated to obtain the prediction results of the corresponding traffic flow prediction model. The experimental results on the real highway data set show that the proposed network model has better accuracy than the baseline model with some modules removed.


Traffic flow prediction; Wavelet transform; Graph convolutional neural network; 2D convolutional neural network; Spatial characteristics

Cite This Paper

Zhaorui Ge, Shuai Dai. A Spatio-temporal Traffic Flow Forecasting Method Based on WAC-GCN. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2024), Vol. 7, Issue 5: 87-93. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJCIS.2024.070511.


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