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Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2020, 3(1); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2020.030116.

Research on Network Video Hot Event Discovery System


Ying Li*, Jiale Yuan

Corresponding Author:
Ying Li

New Media College, Communication University of Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China
*Corresponding author email:[email protected]


In this paper, the network video hot event discovery system integrates domestic mainstream network video website data (e.g. Youku, Tudou, Ku6, etc.) and Internet TV data. This research studies the bottom layer of network video multi-source information extraction, filtering, aggregation, storage, etc. To realize video semantic analysis and processing, the research further studies the multi-layer semantic unified representation model of multi-source heterogeneous video data. On this basis, aiming at providing decision support for government departments to monitor video public opinion and emergency intervention, the research also studies network emergency discovery technology, hot event real-time tracking technology, and hot development trend prediction technology. Finally, relying on the above research results, the research develops a cloud computing-based network video hot event monitoring and analysis system and then demonstrates the application in network media.


Public Opinion Analysis; Hot Events; Network Video

Cite This Paper

Ying Li, Jiale Yuan. Research on Network Video Hot Event Discovery System . Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2020), Vol. 3, Issue 1: 150-159. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJCIS.2020.030116.


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