Academic Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences, 2024, 5(1); doi: 10.25236/AJALS.2024.050109.
Baoqin Jiang, Guoyan Li, Dejie Feng, Chenming Liu, Yingtong Liu, Kai Wang, Qin Huang, Li Zhang, Rui Wang, Jiangmin Wu, Hai Zhu
Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products Co. Ltd., Lanzhou, 730046, China
The significance test for paired sample differences in biological testing is the most commonly used statistical method in biological testing data analysis. Before conducting the test, it is necessary to check whether there is any difference between groups and calculate the degree of difference. This article takes the results of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) under different temperature conditions as an example, and describes the differences from the aspects of descriptive analysis, correlation, variance, and normality analysis. Finally, non-parametric testing methods are used for significance testing. The results indicate that the analysis method is more applicable.
Significance of differences, Descriptive analysis, Normality analysis, Correlation analysis, Variance analysis, Nonparametric test
Baoqin Jiang, Guoyan Li, Dejie Feng, Chenming Liu, Yingtong Liu, Kai Wang, Qin Huang, Li Zhang, Rui Wang, Jiangmin Wu, Hai Zhu. Description of differences in ELISA results under different temperature conditions. Academic Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences (2024) Vol. 5 Issue 1: 57-62.
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