Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2024, 6(5); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2024.060523.
Fuyun Yang, Wenguang Tang
School of Science, Tianjin Commercial University, Tianjin, China
The Internet search function has become more and more common, creating the necessary conditions for China's trade and export. In this context, China's export trade has undergone certain changes, but what kind of relationship is there between the two specifically. Based on China's panel data from 2011-2021, this paper empirically analyses the impact of Internet search on China's foreign trade through multiple linear regression. It is found that the increase of Internet search has a positive impact on China's total exports, category margin, intensive margin, quantity margin and price margin, and finally the article puts forward corresponding policy recommendations based on the empirical results of the Internet and China's foreign trade.
Internet Search, Baidu Index, Ternary Margins, International Trade
Fuyun Yang, Wenguang Tang. Internet Search and the Ternary Margin of China's Export Trade. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 5: 170-174.
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