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Frontiers in Sport Research, 2024, 6(3); doi: 10.25236/FSR.2024.060306.

Analysis of the current situation of outdoor sports: A comparative study of cities in China


Jiaxuan Zhang1, Zilu Yang2, Jia Cai3, Chuxin Lin4, Junxian Shang5

Corresponding Author:
Jiaxuan Zhang

1College of Economics and Management, Communication University of China, Beijing, China

2College of Humanities, Communication University of China, Beijing, China

3College of Economics and Management, Communication University of China, Beijing, China

4Faculty of International Media, Communication University of China, Beijing, China

5School of Music and Recording Arts, Communication University of China, Beijing, China


The purpose of this paper is to explore the current situation of outdoor sports in various cities in China, and to reveal the development trend and differences of outdoor sports in China by comparing and analyzing the development status of outdoor sports, policy support, characteristics of the participating groups, and existing problems in different cities. It is found that there are obvious regional differences in the development of outdoor sports in various cities, and policy support and social cognition have an important impact on the development of outdoor sports.


outdoor sports; urban comparison; development status; policy support; participant groups

Cite This Paper

Jiaxuan Zhang, Zilu Yang, Jia Cai, Chuxin Lin, Junxian Shang. Analysis of the current situation of outdoor sports: A comparative study of cities in China. Frontiers in Sport Research (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 3: 45-51. https://doi.org/10.25236/FSR.2024.060306.


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