Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences, 2024, 5(5); doi: 10.25236/AJMHS.2024.050506.
Yang Xue, Liang Yu, Gong Gu
Department of Anesthesiology, The General Hospital of Western Theater Command, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610083, China
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of anterior quadrate lumborum block combined with pudendal nerve block in postoperative analgesia after abdominal surgery. The computer searched six major databases at home and abroad. Randomized controlled trials comparing anterior quadrate lumborum block combined with pudendal nerve block and anterior quadrate block alone were included. The two researchers conducted literature screening, data extraction and quality evaluation of included studies independently. Quality was assessed using the Cochrane Collaboration's bias risk assessment tool. Data analysis was performed using Rev Man5.3, and the mean difference (MD) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated for the measurement data. A total of 280 patients were included in 3 studies. The results showed that compared with the control group the experimental group showed a significant decrease at the resting pain score at 2h after surgery (MD=-1.40; 95%CI -1.54 ~ -1.26, P<0.00001), 6h after surgery (MD=-1.32; 95% CI-1.71 ~ -0.92, P<0.00001) ,12h after surgery, (MD=-0.88; 95% CI-1.03 ~ -0.73, P<0.00001), 24h after surgery (MD=-0.76; 95%CI -0.88 ~ -0.65, P<0.00001), the amount of propofol used during the operation (MD=-132.37; 95%CI -150.90~ -113.83, P<0.00001) ,the amount of remifentanil used during the operation (MD=-395.30; 95% CI-432.07 ~ -358.53, P<0.00001) , the number of postoperative remedial analgesia (RR =0.04; 95% CI 0.01 ~ 0.16, P<0.00001) , the recovery time of general anesthesia (MD=-1.42; 95%CI -1.81~ -1.03, P<0.00001) ,the first time to get out of bed after surgery (MD=-1.32; 95%CI -2.11~ -0.54, P=0.0009),the first time to exhaust the anus (MD=-1.50; 95%CI -2.67~ -0.34, P=0.01), the length of hospitalization, (MD=-11.31; 95%CI -19.60~ -3.03, P=0.007) , the incidence of nausea and vomiting (RR =0.11; 95% CI 0.04 ~ 0.32, P<0.00001). Anterior quadrate lumborum block combined with pudendal nerve block has advantages in postoperative analgesia and promoting early postoperative recovery after abdominal surgery, but more high-quality RCTs are needed for further study.
Ultrasound; Anterior quadrate lumborum block; pudendal nerve block; abdominal surgery; analgesia; Meta analysis
Yang Xue, Liang Yu, Gong Gu. Meta-analysis of the efficacy of anterior quadratus lumborum block and pudendal nerve block in postoperative analgesia after abdominal surgery. Academic Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences (2024), Vol. 5, Issue 5: 41-48.
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