Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2024, 6(5); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2024.060540.
Weixuan Hu1, Feng Feng1, Yuxin Dong2
1School of Management, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin, 300133, China
2Jilin Province Trade Union Cadre School, Changchun, 130000, China
Unethical pro-organizational behavior, which have garnered attention in recent years, refer to unethical actions that serve the short-term interests of an organization but ultimately inflict severe damage on its long-term prospects. While the initial intention behind these behaviors may be to safeguard organizational interests, it is crucial not to forsake the long-term sustainable development of the enterprise. Therefore, comprehending the underlying causes of unethical pro-organizational behavior becomes imperative for fostering effective prevention strategies within enterprises. This study systematically examines the motivations driving unethical pro-organizational behavior by employing the theory of planned behavior, renowned for its explanatory power concerning individual unethical conduct. By integrating and analyzing antecedent variables at both individual, interpersonal levels, and organizational perspectives within existing research studies, we aim to explore a comprehensive and systematic explanatory mechanism for understanding these motivations.
unethical pro-organizational behavior, theory of planned behavior, motivation
Weixuan Hu, Feng Feng, Yuxin Dong. Motivation Analysis of Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 5: 295-300.
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