Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science, 2024, 7(5); doi: 10.25236/AJCIS.2024.070527.
Wei Wu1, Jialu Hao2,3, Lifang Bai1
1Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou, 450001, China
2Xi'an Satellite Control Center, Xi'an, 710043, China
3Henan Key Laboratory of Network Cryptography Technology, Zhengzhou, 450001, China
With the rapid development of cloud computing technology, more users are now paying attention to secure and efficient outsourced data mining in cloud computing environment. In this paper, focusing on one of the important data mining tasks, we review existing researches on outsourced association rule mining. We mainly consider three aspects, i.e., privacy protection, result verification and access control of outsourced association rule mining, summarizing the corresponding solutions and analyze their deficiencies. Besides, we propose three future research suggestions. In summary, this paper provides theoretical and technical supports to design secure and efficient outsourced association rule mining solutions.
Cloud-based Secure Outsourcing; Association Rule Mining; Privacy Protection; Result Verification; Access Control
Wei Wu, Jialu Hao, Lifang Bai. A Review on Technologies of Secure Outsourced Association Rule Mining in Cloud Computing Environment. Academic Journal of Computing & Information Science (2024), Vol. 7, Issue 5: 207-214.
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