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Academic Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2024, 5(2); doi: 10.25236/AJMS.2024.050202.

An investigation and study of the mathematical computational skills of grade one junior students


Linxia Zhu, Ying Zhang

Corresponding Author:
Ying Zhang

School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Jinan, Jinan, Shandong, 250022, China


Mathematical computation skills are very important in middle school mathematics. Middle school mathematical computation involves many basic mathematical concepts and skills, including four rules of calculation, fraction calculation, algebraic calculation, geometric calculation and so on. The author conducted a survey and research on the mathematical computation ability of junior high school students in two middle schools in Binzhou City, A and B, and came to the following conclusions: the average score of junior high school students' mathematical computation ability is high although there are certain deficiencies; there is a significant difference between students' mathematical computation ability in the dimension of school level difference, and there is no significant difference between them in the dimension of gender; the factors of computational attitudes and mathematical computation habits have an influence on students' mathematical computation competence. Therefore, it is necessary to improve students' mathematical computation ability in the first year of school. Educators and parents should pay attention to students' learning attitudes and mathematical learning environment, and adopt effective teaching methods and measures to improve students' mathematical computation ability.


numeracy; research study; first year mathematics

Cite This Paper

Linxia Zhu, Ying Zhang. An investigation and study of the mathematical computational skills of grade one junior students. Academic Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2024) Vol. 5, Issue 2: 8-12. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJMS.2024.050202.


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