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Academic Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2024, 5(2); doi: 10.25236/AJMS.2024.050207.

A study of mathematical modeling of stochastic matrix theory in financial risk management


Yufei Jia

Corresponding Author:
Yufei Jia

Liaoning Normal University, Dalian, 116000, China


This study explores the application of stochastic matrix theory in financial risk management, focusing on its effectiveness in constructing risk prediction models and asset portfolio optimization. By introducing stochastic matrix theory, we improve the accuracy and robustness of risk models, especially when dealing with big data and complex financial market structures. It is found that the theory not only helps to estimate the covariance matrix of asset returns more accurately, but also effectively identifies and cuts down systematic risks. The methodology of this paper provides a new mathematical tool for financial risk management and helps financial institutions to better understand and control risks.


stochastic matrix theory, financial risk management, asset portfolio optimization, systematic risk, covariance matrix

Cite This Paper

Yufei Jia. A study of mathematical modeling of stochastic matrix theory in financial risk management. Academic Journal of Mathematical Sciences (2024) Vol. 5, Issue 2: 41-44. https://doi.org/10.25236/AJMS.2024.050207.


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