Academic Journal of Business & Management, 2024, 6(6); doi: 10.25236/AJBM.2024.060621.
Yan Liu, Xueyan Duan, Zhen Liu
School of Economics & Management, Shanghai Polytechnic University, Shanghai, China
There has been a special competing relationship between express and e-commerce in the development of the economy of China, and with the rapid development of e-commerce in China, this relationship has also intensified. In view of the unbalanced distribution of benefits and unstable cooperation between e-commerce and express, a reasonable analysis of the relationship between the two can help promote the healthy development of e-commerce and courier enterprises. The study uses evolutionary game theory to construct a game model between courier and e-commerce, assuming the assumption of limited rationality of the participating game subjects, and explores the evolution of the paths between the two parties in the cooperation process, with a view to finding the interest factors affecting the linkage between the two. The research results show that: reducing the cost of cooperation between e-commerce and courier enterprises will have a positive impact on the attitude of both parties; increasing additional benefits and establishing a fair benefit mechanism will help the long-term stability of the cooperation relationship between the two parties, and future policies should focus on building a balanced benefit distribution mechanism and building a risk control system.
Courier enterprises, E-commerce, Evolutionary game, Model optimization
Yan Liu, Xueyan Duan, Zhen Liu. Cooperation or Competition: An Evolutionary Game Study between E-commerce and Courier Enterprises in China. Academic Journal of Business & Management (2024) Vol. 6, Issue 6: 136-144.
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