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International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology, 2024, 6(6); doi: 10.25236/IJFS.2024.060611.

Generative Artificial Intelligence: Risks of Data Acquisition, Regulatory Deficiencies and Suggestions for Countermeasures—From the Inspiration of European Union Legislation


Huang Xinru

Corresponding Author:
Huang Xinru

School of Law, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China


With the development of ChatGPT, generative artificial intelligence has become the focus of the times. The advancement of Generative Artificial Intelligence model starts from data acquisition, traceability and training, and the data acquisition’s new characteristics of openness, invisibility and falsity will lead to unpredictable risks. Because of the inadequate AI legislative system, the lack of valid relations in the existing legal mechanism and the incompleteness of the existing legal provisions, it is difficult for the existing mechanism to prevent, control and solve the problems from Generative AI data acquisition. As far as the relevant regulatory measures concerned, the European Union legislation of Generative AI provides useful reference. Only by improving the associated mechanism between AI legislation and existing laws, unifying and coordinating the classification and grading protection mechanism for data, playing the role of the data protection institution, coordinating the cross-border flow of data, and strengthening international regulatory cooperation can a full-process regulatory system for data acquisition be established, thus achieving a balance between the safety control of Generative AI and innovative development.


Generative Artificial Intelligence, Data Acquisition, EU Legislation, Data Regulation

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Huang Xinru. Generative Artificial Intelligence: Risks of Data Acquisition, Regulatory Deficiencies and Suggestions for Countermeasures—From the Inspiration of European Union Legislation. International Journal of Frontiers in Sociology (2024), Vol. 6, Issue 6: 61-70. https://doi.org/10.25236/IJFS.2024.060611.


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